
Being a perfectionist makes poetry writing a never ending story!

It isn’t that it has to be perfect, so I can receive some kind of glory.

It is something inside of me that can’t leave well enough alone;

Second guessing every word, to find it’s meaningful home!

I know I’ve always been this way, questioning the value of my worth;

Perhaps in my youth, I was humiliated when I failed to present good work.

Through some act or deed I had failed somehow, and my face went red with shame;

But, I learned that my feelings though hurt, would recover just the same.

My heart has always led my life, destined to be a poet from birth;

I write to right life’s social ills and to fight for ethical worth.

I will continue to critique, though urgency guides this poet’s hand;

There is so much injustice, and little time, please join me and make a stand!

By Karen LaFountain



Welcome to Wolves Belong Wildlife And Conservation Advocacy My name is Karen LaFountain, throughout my life I have been a writer of poetry and stories. My craft has always been a form of catharsis for my love of and angst of the natural world, its environment, and the social ills that so greatly affect the precarious balance between. So, I would like to introduce, Wolves Belong And Writing Wrongs. A website designed to educate the public of the peril to the our environment and the biodiversity of the inhabitants, like the grey wolf, and all wildlife that man's unethical acts, or deeds impact so significantly. My ultimate desire is to educate and advise the public through my writings, teachings, and activism' about the importance of our wilderness ecosystem and how wolves are a positive contributor necessary to maintain species biodiversity. It is my hope that my words may cause a more compassionate outlook and hopefullyenlighten the public to help bring an end the tragic consequences of putting financial profitability first and the natural balance of our wilderness ecosystem last by those that manage these invaluable assets. I believe that the gray wolf, (canis lupus), is an iconic and prolific cornerstone apex predator, that has a very positive impact on our ecosystem. Wolves, Grizzly Bears, other top predators are far more easily sacrificed to satisfy special interest groups with little thought to the severe negative impact to species proliferation or ecosystem health. . All submissions under the subcatagory "Wolves Belong And Writing Wrongs" are written, copywrited and the sole property of Karen LaFountain. Thank you for visiting, I hope you take something positive with you when you leave! Karen LaFountain for WOLVES BELONG and WRITING WRONGS! Email me at: or

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